Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Finally the winners of My Mr. Brown Moment Photo Contest has been revealed yesterday 15 April 2009 after 8 weeks. Neo (Top 3 for Week 2) has called up as Top 6 winner to claim the prize. The prize presentation was held at Ladies First, Serusop. *he said we are lucky to get inside cos 'NO MEN ALLOWED' KLL *

Remember this?

Top 3 Prizes

And the winners are..

No.1 - Mr. Mohd. Suffian (Mr. Brown go for a walk)
*Dari berbekalkan kasut keraja jadi Apple iPhone 8GB buiii..*

No.2 - Mr. Rodney (Mr. Brown calling) *original??*

No.3 - Mrs. Norhaidah (Hantaran) *sooo creative*

No.4 - Devin Kho (The Troopers Choice) *i want that costume!!*

No.5 - Dk. Siti Norafidah (Mr. Brown Delivery Tanker)
*she should be at Top 3..agree?*
wife of Mr. Mohd. Suffian..untung ehh

The LAST but not least - Mr. Neo
(Taking a break in the middle of padi field)
*ok ane patut No.6 hahaha*

Well Done all the creative heads
Salute u are Top 6 of 290 entries.
I repeat 290 entries

and again Mr. Brown..
*now i remember my maths teacher*

* more to come*